Page 4 - Keelunger’s Lifestyle Travel Bible
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         04 Keelunger’s Lifestyle Travel Bible 10 Insider Tips from the Locals  10 INSIDER TIPS from the Locals Many people have visited Keelung, some more than once. However, the overall impression of this city for most people is that of a rainy port city with numerous roadside street stalls. How much do you really know about the people of Keelung? When you slow down your pace and visit more    ❶ Try some delicious Chikuwa Keelung locals often quip, “Oh Chikuwa, I’d like to have it any time of day!” Chikuwa, introduced during the Japanese colonial period, is a food product made mainly from fish surimi. ❷ Bring an umbrella Keelung is often associated with rainy weather. Whether drizzles, showers, or full-on thunderstorms, bring an umbrella and come experience all sorts of rain that befall this enchanting city! Have your umbrella with you 24/7 ❸ Ride a motor scooter Keelung is mostly bordered by mountains and sits on hilly terrain. Therefore, the city features mostly narrow winding streets with limited parking spaces available. Most locals get about by scooter. Some local restaurants even offer convenient scooter drive-thru takeaway services. ❹ Try some fiery Malu Chili Sauce For Keelungers, adding their beloved Malu Chili Sauce to noodles, braised white radishes, and rice dumplings is a must. Try some to bring out the best of local flavors. The sign lights-up from 5:00pm to 1:00am ❺ Check-in at the Mt. Huzi Landmark Whether arriving in Keelung by rail, road, or sea, you will be spellbound by the attractive hilltop “KEELUNG” signboard. This has become a hugely popular check-in location on social media.                                        

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